Updaten ArborOs

Copier de upgrade bestanden naar een USB disk en plaats deze in een USB aansluiting van de Arbor TRA.

Voor de installatie een volledige back-up maken:

/ services sp backup

/services/sp/backup# show

 Backup status

 Backup state: idle
 Full backup image timestamp: Mon Mar 09 07:41:26 +0000 2015
 Incremental backup image timestamp: Tue Mar 10 07:31:42 +0000 2015
 Backup image version: 7.0.1

/services/sp/backup# create full

admin@TRA:/services/sp/backup# show
 Backup status
 Backup state: running full backup

/services/sp/backup# show
 Backup status
 Backup state: running full backup

Totdat deze is voltooid en de state weer 'idle' word.

Om de inhoud van de USB disk op te vragen:

/ system files

admin@TRA:/system/files# dir usb:
 Peakflow-SP-7.0.2-FCCG-B 325651 May29 2015 Signed package
 arbos-6.1-FCCG-B 98610 May29 2015 Signed package

Controle bestaande OS en applicatie:

/system/files# show
 Installed packages:
 ArbOS_6.1 ArbOS 6.1 system files (build ELSJ-B) (arch x86_64)
 Peakflow-SP-7.0.1 Arbor Networks Peakflow SP (build ELSJ-B) (arch x86_64)

Stoppen van SP:

/ services sp

/services/sp# stop
Stopping Peakflow SP services......................................done.

Updaten van OS:

/ system files

/system/files# install usb:arbos-6.1-FCCG-B
Extracting package...done.
Changes to ArbOS will take effect after the next reload.

/system/files# reload
 You are about to reboot the system. Do you wish to proceed? [n] y
094: Rebooting the system..

/ system files
/system/files# show
 Installed packages:
 ArbOS_6.1 ArbOS 6.1 system files (build FCCG-B) (arch x86_64)
 Peakflow-SP-7.0.1 Arbor Networks Peakflow SP (build ELSJ-B) (arch x86_64)

Updaten van applicatie:

/ services sp stop

Stopping Peakflow SP services......................................done.

/ system files
/system/files# install usb:Peakflow-SP-7.0.2-FCCG-B
376: Peakflow-SP-7.0.2-FCCG-B conflicts with Peakflow-SP-7.0.1


Bij een conflict fout zoals (Peakflow-SP-7.0.2-FCCG-B conflicts with Peakflow-SP-7.0.1), eerst oude install verwijderen:

/system/files# uninstall Peakflow-SP-7.0.1 
Uninstalling package Peakflow-SP-7.0.1..done. 

/ system files install usb:Peakflow-SP-7.0.2-FCCG-B
Extracting package...done.
Collecting inventory information.done
Writing SNMP system description...done.
Upgrading to 7.0.2...
Adding direction to Host Detection table...done
Checking database schema........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................done
Copying Misuse Default to Shared Host Detection Settings...done
Converting Managed Object Host Detection Settings to Shared Host Detection Settings...done
Upgrading malware fingerprint name...done
Saving ArbOS configuration...
Saving SP configuration...
Updating saved command cache (this may take a while)...done
Upgrade successful. Welcome to 7.0.2. 

De applicatie weer starten:

/ services sp start
Starting Peakflow SP services......done.